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September Nineteenth Candle


Zodiac Sign  Virgo Birthday Element Earth Ruling Planet Mercury Lucky Number 9 Lucky Colour Red Tarot cards: Your Birthday Tarot Card is The Moon. This card symbolizes intuition, new ventures and some decisions that might not be right. The Minor Arcana cards are Ten of Disks and Queen of Swords...

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Zodiac Sign  Virgo
Birthday Element Earth
Ruling Planet Mercury
Lucky Number 9
Lucky Colour Red

Tarot cards:

Your Birthday Tarot Card is The Moon. This card symbolizes intuition, new ventures and some decisions that might not be right. The Minor Arcana cards are Ten of Disks and Queen of Swords

People born on the 19th of September are believed to be intelligent, rational and efficient with a touch of the typical Virgoan restless nervousness. The ruling astrological planet for this particular day is our Sun giving you a strong streak of independence and filling you with ambition. If you have this birthday your confident competitive nature is full of plans and ideas and you are untypically not afraid to take risks. Sociable, friendly and naturally empathic you are likely to be highly receptive and particularly sensitive to emotions and surroundings. Alert and precise in your manner you will often possess an expressive creative flair, an avid concern for your appearance and stylish tastes. Your affectionate, loyal and generous temperament ordinarily appreciates wisdom and beauty and is usually cheerful and charming. Individuals with a September the nineteenth birthday may crave quite a bit of attention at times but this is not usually for egotistical reasons.