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August Seventh Candle


Zodiac Sign  Leo Birthday Element Fire Ruling Planet Sun Lucky Number 6 Lucky Colour Gold Tarot cards: Your Birthday Tarot Card is The Chariot. This card symbolizes the hard work and focus that is needed to achieve success, fame, and happiness. The Minor Arcana cards are Six of Wands and...

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Zodiac Sign  Leo
Birthday Element Fire
Ruling Planet Sun
Lucky Number 6
Lucky Colour Gold

Tarot cards:

Your Birthday Tarot Card is The Chariot. This card symbolizes the hard work and focus that is needed to achieve success, fame, and happiness. The Minor Arcana cards are Six of Wands and Knight of Wands

People born on the 7th of August are imagined to be purposeful, persistent, proud and akin to how most Lions do not like being unappreciated. The astrological planetary force that rules this particular day is Neptune making you sharply intuitive with a brilliant imagination and a range of artistic talents. If you have this birthday a logical helpful nature is bestowed upon you but also the inclination to be a tad impatient and materialistic occasionally too. You are usually generous and caring with an idealistic streak that craves tranquility in addition to excitement and variety. Individuals with an August the seventh birthday are full of charisma, quite sociable and fairly confident yet they often enjoy their own company as much as spending time with others. Despite your self worth, an emotional sensitivity makes you soon distressed or distracted by your surroundings or the unfortunate plights of others.