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January Fourteenth Candle


Zodiac Sign  Capricorn Birthday Element Earth Ruling Planet Saturn Lucky Number 6 Lucky Colour Green Tarot cards: Your Birthday Tarot Card is Temperance. The Minor Arcana cards are Four of Pentacles and Knight of Swords. People born on the 14th of January are clever, independent and full of ambition like...

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Zodiac Sign  Capricorn
Birthday Element Earth
Ruling Planet Saturn
Lucky Number 6
Lucky Colour Green

Tarot cards:

Your Birthday Tarot Card is Temperance. The Minor Arcana cards are Four of Pentacles and Knight of Swords.

People born on the 14th of January are clever, independent and full of ambition like a typical Capricorn. However as the ruling astrological planet for this particular day is Mercury it creates personalities that are also highly communicative and observant. If you have this birthday you are practical and hardworking like the Goat in your zodiac sign but you will have an extra sharp and creative mind. Your high level of communication skills fits perfectly with your self expressive nature and you are the kind of person that is never usually lost for words. Individuals with a January the fourteenth birthday are easily bored and so need plenty of variety in their life. You are great at spotting opportunities and can efficiently relate your ideas to others. Emotionally, hidden under your aloof mannerisms, you are affectionate and extremely loyal but only to those you love and care about the most.